Blurred vision refers to lack of sharpness of vision resulting in the inability to see fine detail. Blurred vision may result from refractive errors such as near-or farsightedness which requires corrective lenses. It maybe a symptom of eye disease or symptom of conditions that do not directly involve the eye, such as migraine or stroke.
Fatigue and a number of medications can cause temporary blurry vision. Temporary blurred vision can also be caused by some type of diseases like diabetes and inflammation of an artery in the brain that supplies blood to the optic nerve.
Diabetes causes temporary blurred vision because increased blood sugar level changes the shape of the lens but the good news is that this symptom is reversible once blood sugar levels are returned to normal or near normal. But if your blood sugar level is unchecked for long periods, the glucose will cause permanent damage, possibly blindness. And that's not reversible.
Blurred vision in one eye which is a loss of visual acuity that affect only one eye maybe due to migraine headache or pressure on the optic nerve from a tumor.
Causes of Blurred Vision
- Blurred vision after prolonged close work for non-presbyopia (40years and above) maybe due to uncorrected hyperopia, uncorrected astigmatism or accommodation.
- Blurred vision in reduced illumination maybe due to night myopia or receptor degeneration (retinitis pigmentosa).
- Blurred vision in bright daylight maybe due to nuclear or posterior subcapsular lens opacities.
- Blurred vision accompanied by change in refraction in more myopia or less hyperopia in adult maybe due to nuclear sclerosis of the lens or increased blood sugar level.
- Blurred vision accompanied by change in refraction in more hyperopia or less myopia in adult maybe due to serous detachment of macular or decreased blood sugar level.
- Blurred vision not accompanied by change in refraction in older patients maybe due to lens opacities or senile macular degeneration.
- Transient loss or obscuration of vision in older adult maybe due to temporal arthritis or carotid artery occlusion.
- Transient loss or obscuration of vision in young adult maybe due to migraine or multiple sclerosis.
Blurred Vision from fish oil
Fish oil are products derived from a variety of fish, such as salmon, herring, tuna, and cod. Doctors recommend fish oil because they contain omega-3 fatty acids which helps prevent health conditions such as high cholesterol.Taking fish oil does not typically cause blurred vision. However, if some of the fish oil comes in contact with your eyes, this could cause an episode of blurry vision.The fish oil will not harm your eye, but you may want to use artificial tears to help wash the fish oil out of your eye.
Fish oil could have an indirect effect on your vision. If you have a history of retinal hemorrhage, taking fish oil could increase the risk of the hemorrhage reoccurring. This condition can lead to blurred vision.
Symptoms of Blurred Vision
Blurred vision may accompany other symptoms affecting the eyes or vision, such as; dry eyes, sore eyes, excessive tearing, or discharge from the eye, increased sensitivity to light, poor night time vision, presence of a glare or halos around light, etcTreatment
Treatment of blurred vision will depend entirely on what's causing it. If you suffer from blurred vision, the basic thing is to contact an eye specialist who will recommend the best treatment for you.Healthy Tips
- Take daily liquid vitamins.
- Take daily cod liver oil vitamins.
- Drink carrot juice.
- Eat dark leafy greens.
- Eat a small bowl of oatmeal every morning.
- Eat fruits rich in vitamin C daily.
- Eat foods rich in iron daily.
- When you're on the computer make sure light is behind the computer screen not in front.
- Keep the computer screen clean every week.
- Long hours at the computer; take time out to close your eyes for good five minutes.
- Blink your eyes often when at the computer.
- Daily exercise for better circulation, heart health, eye health.
- When watching television, don't sit close to the TV screen.
- When reading use bright light.
- Stay healthy.
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