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12 January 2020

Why Do My Breasts Sag

Why Do My Breasts Sag

The erroneous belief, especially among young people today, is that a woman’s breasts will sag if she has lots of sexual encounters and they are usually shamed one way or the other, THIS IS NOT TRUE.

Here’s why:

Breasts contain mainly fat, glands that produce milk, and Cooper ligaments

It is commonly thought that these ligaments are what give support to these breasts making them firm and supple and giving them their shape

However, with age, these ligaments become lax and breasts fall

There are major things that make would make a woman’s breasts sag

Cigarette smoking(Shisha): Smoking breaks down elastin in the skin which can invariably cause breasts to fall
The more pregnancies a woman has, the more chances that her breasts are going to fall.

Large breasts: it is common sense that large structures need more support, the larger your breasts are the more support they would need.

So naturally, they would sag because of their weight

Gravity: Gravity plays a large role.

Higher body mass index: remember that breasts are largely composed of fat>more BMI, more fat>more weight >sag

Significant weight gain or loss(23 kg) If you lose a lot of weight too soon, without giving your body time to adjust, breasts may sag because you have extra skin

Age: as a woman gets older the ligaments weaken, hence, breasts will sag.

Breastfeeding will NOT make your breast fall!

Genetics: These play a huge role, but we do not understand yet fully how they influence the shape and size of the breasts

Also, there is no evidence that wearing A bra will affect the sagging of your breasts,


Exercise will NOT improve the shape of your breasts, they contain fat, not muscle.

Vit C helps in connective tissue, may help minimally, but there is no evidence that this works in breast shape.

For a more permanent if you’re uncomfortable with the way they look: you can go for a breast lift called a mastopexy
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