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16 December 2016

Popular Examples Of Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs)

Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs)

Fitness goals do not just stop at achieving their ideal weight for both men and women. Though these are excellent objective to attain, most especially since such milestones can guarantee a person that their physical appearance is improved, there are various ways to go further beyond these. Aside from losing weight, you can be toned all over.

When it comes to performance enhancement or muscle development, steroids often come to mind. These are somewhat controversial due to the fact that most known athletes have met criticisms about the use of these drugs so they can gain an advantage over their competitor. Most importantly, steroid usage is being frowned upon by the medical community and the society.

Health professionals do not advocate the use of steroid because most of these drugs have alarming and harmful side effects. It targets your hormones. It may lead to liver damage and shrinkage of your reproductive organs.

During the past years, a new class of performance-enhancing drugs have emerged. And this is called SARMs or selective androgen receptor modulators. Though research on this drug is limited, the existing findings point to a comparable level of muscle-building and fat-burning capacity to traditional steroids, without the dangerous side effects.

Be reminded though that SARMs aren’t recommended for professional athletes. In fact, these drugs are included in the list of banned substances for athletic competition in the World Doping Agency. But if you want to discover the impact of these drugs on your physical performance, consider consuming some of the popular forms.

Some Examples Of SARMs

MK-2866 or Ostarine – This is one of the most studied SARMs. This is a powerful muscle-building drug. Studies showed that it can lead to one pound of muscle gained every month if it is paired with a solid workout routine. For moderate use, no side effects were reported.

LGD-4033 or Lignadrol or Anabolicum – This was used in plenty of human trials. Studies revealed that it can stimulate fat loss so you can become leaner. Mild natural testosterone production suppression has been observed as its side effect, but only for a short period of time.

GW501516 or Cardarine – This has only been tested on rodents. It delivers promising results in mice. It decreases fat while preserving muscles. It can also increase mitochondrial growth in muscle if combined with exercise. If it is used with 4-week running regimen, overall muscular endurance, running distance, and running time are increased. Be aware that a high dosage of this drug can cause cancer in rats.

Author Bio: Chelsea Sawyer is a certified health coach. She has been helping many people in changing their behaviors to keep them focused on achieving their health and
fitness goals. With great passion for writing, her hobbies include writing and sharing helpful techniques on various health topics. She visits sites like Bulletproof. 


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  2. what are sarms
    Introduction Table of Contents IntroductionSelective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs)The History behind SARMsThe next stage of developmentWhat are SARMs?How do SARMs actually work?The benefits of taking SARMsAre SARMs banned?The different types of SARMsLGD-4033Side effectsDosageMK-2866Side effectsDosageS4Side effectsDosageRAD 140Side EffectsDosageSummary Performance enhancing drugs (PEDs) are a touchy subject to some and a hot topic of debate for others! Some people consider them as cheating and probably the most popular PEDs are steroids. Unfortunately steroids are a banned type of PED, when combined with the nasty side effects- this is enough to put many bodybuilders off for life! However nothing stands still in the


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