First and foremost, we will like you to know that you are advertising on a leading eye care blog in Nigeria that publishes only unique and quality contents to their targeted blog readers.
We will help you promote your business, products and services to our large potential audience. We have got the capacity and experience to keep your brand ahead of others.
Currently, we offer two major types of advert: Banner ads and Text ads.
Banner ads come in various sizes and include the following:
- 300x100 ad banner, appearing in the uppermost position on the sidebar
- 300x 250 ad banner, appearing in the uppermost position on the sidebar
- 728x 90 ad banner, appearing above the content and below the header.
The text ads come in form of a text format links that will be shown on our blog.
Free offer
When you opt for any advert above, we will also promote it via a blog post (provided it is related to health niche), on our social pages (Facebook, Twitter and Google+) and you will get a free ad slot on the mobile version of this blog.