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11 مايو 2016

American Best Optometrist Invited To The White House

best optometrist

A female optometrist~ Dr. Janine Toucet from Penuelas; a municipality in Puerto Rico (Northern America), has emerged as the best optometrist in America. Dr. Toucet graduated from Inter American University of Puerto Rico School of Optometry and is currently practicing optometry in Kingwood, Texas.

She was honored and invited by the Her Excellency Mrs. Michelle Obama (America first lady) and Dr. Jill Biden to the White House during the 5th Anniversary of Joining Forces. She shared the good news (though in spanish) on her facebook wall.

best optometrist invited to white house

"Aquí parte de mi experiencia el día de hoy en la Casa Blanca como invitada especial de la Primera Dama!!!
Orgullosa de representar a mi lindo PR, mi pueblito de Peñuelas, y a todos los Optometras de PR y EU!!!!!
Gracias Dios y Virgencita por tantas bendiciones!!!! 
Y gracias a mis padres por hacer de mi Lo que soy hoy,
Los amo! Nilda Pacheco

Rafy De Jesus Arlene Alvarado Haroline R Rivera Alvarado Vnsa Bllo Mtz."
                                                     Dr. Janine Toucet; Facebook wall.

Translate to English and you will have:
“Part of my experience here today at the White House as a special guest of the First Lady !!! Proud to represent my cute PR, my little town of Penuelas, and all of PR and EU optometrists !!!!! Thank God for the many blessings Virgencita !!!! And thanks to my parents for making me what I am today, I love them! Nilda Arlene Pacheco Rafy De Jesus Rivera Alvarado Alvarado Haroline R Vnsa Bllo Mtz.”

Congratulations dear, it is indeed a great honor.

Source: Corporate Optometry 

هناك 3 تعليقات:

  1. Best optometrist in the whole America, are you kidding me. She must be demn good to get that. Congrats dear!

  2. Been hearing a lot about this Joining Forces, what's it all about?

    1. Well here is a little of what I know about it:
      it was founded and launched by Michelle Obama and Dr. Jill Biden in April 2011 as a nationwide initiative calling all Americans to rally around service members, veterans, and their families and support them through wellness, education and employment opportunities, according to its website. You can do a research on it if you want to know more.


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